Support Us

We are looking for contributions from all sections of the community:

♦ As someone with a special need or a parent carer you may wish to access Midstream’s services.
♦ As a professional or a volunteer trainer or care support worker you could help.
♦ As a customer you could buy high standard products and professional services from Midstream.
♦ As a business you could sponsor Midstream with cash, help in kind, materials or equipment. You could commission Midstream’s garden maintenance services. You could offer work placements and could arrange for others among your business contacts to help in a similar way.
♦ Why not tell us how we can work together – what help or opportunities you can see?  Tell us how we can join forces to best advantage. Contact us now or take the opportunity to visit our site and talk to our staff and clients. Visitors are always made very welcome.

Midstream extends grateful thanks to all its supporters, past and present, and wishes to thank SearchQuest Internet Marketing for designing the website.

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